So you wanna book a boudoir session....There are so many misconceptions about a boudoir session. I get asked the same few questions during every consult. & I'm here to clear the air on a few things. LIE #1: The entire WORLD will see my photos! I can't take the risk of that happening. ANSWER: That is far FAR from the truth. The truth is that with every contract, comes a model release! We have these specifically for this concern. Our model release states that you approve for your images to be on our website, all of our social media accounts, in our studio, and this blog! Its 100% your choice on where your images are published. If you just want them in our private group, GREAT! We will only post to our private group. If you don't care where we post them, WOO! you've made our job easier. We love sharing and showing the world the beauty of boudoir! If you want them nowhere except for your viewing pleasure only, then no problem! You will not see them anywhere on the internet! In fact no one but YOU or whoever you show them to will see them! We GUARANTEE IT! LIE #2: They must be a gift for someone! ANSWER: So completely wrong! You don't owe anyone a reason to invest in this life changing experience. In fact, MOST of our women are doing it for themselves. Even if you are booking a shoot as a gift, you will most definitely leave knowing this experience was just as much for you. This is a life investment and will truly change the way you see yourself! Don't think of it as just a gift for someone else because it is so much more. LIE #3: I need to achieve my weight-loss goals. ANSWER: Ladies, just stop! I could go on and on about my past struggle with this, but I will save that for a post all on its own. You should accept your body exactly how it is at this very moment. You should love it and cherish it for many, many reasons. It's getting you through this day right now. It allowed you to make it to work today. What we teach here is to accept the body you are in and be gentle with it. To not tear it down every time you see your reflection in the mirror. Being able to embrace exactly who you are at any given moment is so empowering. If you start making the conscious effort to do so, I guarantee you, you will see a huge change in your overall life! This is you... in your realest form. Let's celebrate that. LIE #4: I can't possibly look that sexy! ANSWER: You indeed, ARE that sexy! The women that you see on this website, Facebook, blog, etc. are real women just like you and I. There isn't anything that gives them a "sexy" advantage. We photograph all sizes and all ages on a daily basis. Trust me when I say, YOU ARE SEXY and you are capable of being a boudoir bombshell! LIE #5: There won't be any clothing to fit my body / I won't fill the lingerie out like I should ANSWER: We are experts when it comes to wardrobe. Brenna has literally seen every body type and has photographed every body type! We will help you with finding pieces that work for you and compliment the areas of your body that you love! Leave it to us. LIE #6: I can't afford it / I don't need to spend the money ANSWER: As stated a few paragraphs above, this is 100% a life investment. It will change your whole entire life by giving you a confidence and self love that you have never experienced before. Another great option, if your budget is tight, is our wonderful payment plan! Our payment plan offers a great way for really anyone to be able to afford this investment. We believe that every single woman should experience a boudoir session of their own and we really want to give everyone the opportunity to do so! That's truly what makes our payment plan options so fantastic! LIE #7: I don't want to be completely naked!
ANSWER: This is something that you should NOT even let cross your mind. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible. One main reason why we employ an ALL WOMEN staff, to ensure your utmost comfort. We want your session with us to be a day that you never forget. If you don't want to be naked, that's fine by us! We would never force any of our clients to prance around in their birthday suit without them feeling comfortable doing so! We totally respect each and every one of our clients opinions! LIE #8: Is this porn? ANSWER: Well, don't ask your Great-Great Grandma because odds are to her, the answer would be YES ;) haha! But on a serious note, NO! This is the furthest thing from pornography and it honestly is somewhat offensive when it gets referred to as such. Boudoir is an intimate connection with yourself. Writing your own love story. It's a personal experience that’s uplifting and empowering. We want women to discover their sexuality and not be afraid to embrace it. To discover their value and self worth. We want to diminish the negativity and eliminate body shaming! Don't let these lies hold you back from this amazing and life altering experience. Email us today to chat about your own personal Boudoir Experience with us! XOXO
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