“You can be cautious or you can be creative, but there's no such thing as a cautious creative.” - George LoisIt’s no secret that there are very little original ideas in the world. “Copy cats” are everywhere in every art form. But I think what stands certain creators apart from others is when they really dig deep and can use their talents to help the world see things from their perspective. Creativity is about inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun. There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. When this babe asked about if we could do something with cake for her 21st birthday, I was all for it. Have I don’t cake before, OBVIOUSLY. I’m pretty well known for my creative side incorporating food into sessions because I’m good at it. If I can make sliced cheese look sexy then cake is the easiest food prop. But what made this session stand out more is the client. Using her curves, her personality, and unique sex appeal to create something that was special to her for her was the best part about doing something I’ve done tones of times. My point is no matter how many times I do something it’s still going to be different. My clients are a very unique type of people. They come from all walks of life. It doesn’t matter how good my work is sometimes cause there’s a bunch of photographers they could go to. But the difference is… They come to me for ME! People can see I don’t like to follow trends exactly as they are. I always put my own twist on it because I was born to create art that’s different. They can copy my pictures but they can’t copy who I am as a whole. And that is what I use to drive me to keep being creative!
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